
Chocolatey install google chrome
Chocolatey install google chrome

If it asks for a Yes or No option, then type Y and press enter.If the above command doesn’t work, you can get the latest command from this link.Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force ::SecurityProtocol = ::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072 iex ((New-Object ).DownloadString(‘’)).Once the Execution policy is set, enter the below command to install Chocolatey.Now you can check it again with the get method.You can also Bypass but for security you can set it to AllSigned. If the Execution policy is restricted, switch it to allsigned.Open PowerShell or CMD as an Administrator on your Windows PC.Your Windows PC must be connected to Internet source.Well like other installations, it also has some requirements. Don’t worry, later you can install GUI to control from an app. Since it is a Command Line tool by default, we have to install it through the command line. Installing Chocolatey is not a big task and hardly takes more than a couple of minutes. So you can follow the same guide as you followed earlier. If you have installed Chocolatey package manager on Windows 10 before, then for Windows 11 the process is the same. In case you want to know more about Chocolatey before installing it, then you can check more info here. Since you are already here, we will also share how to get Chocolatey GUI on your Windows PC. But luckily there is also a GUI available for Chocolatey and is useful for users who don’t like the command line interface or want to save time.

chocolatey install google chrome

We mentioned that it is a command line package manager. It makes all the installation/uninstallation tasks easier. Chocolatey has thousands of packages such as Python, VLC, Adobe, Browsers, and many other applications. It is a large source of packages and lets you directly install those packages to your Windows device. Chocolatey is a command line package manager like apt-get but for Windows.

Chocolatey install google chrome